I have finally started painting parts of the 15mm Medieval troops I have had for a very long time. So I have broken down this project to different troops. I have started with my 15mm Medieval Mounted troops as a multipart post. Firstly because there are a lot of horses secondly because I am finding it very hard to stay on task.
I am painting all this for ADLG, and as such I am just doing this as generic units not for an specific army in mind. I am starting with Light Cavalry with Javelins, Cavalry with crossbow, and Cavalry with Firearms.
Both the Cavalry with crossbow and firearms, can in different lists be either Medium Cavalry or Heavy Cavalry. Good thing in ADLG the basing is the same for both, so it is all good.
I first started collecting all the parts here back when Field of Glory first came out, this project has been a long time coming.
Light Cavalry with Javelins.
I am going out on a limb here to say that these are SG Mirliton models, the javelins are parts of brass spears that I have cut down from 50mm long to something for spear men.
Cavalry with Crossbow
These are again SG Mirliton models. However I have changed the way I do horses, I did a lot of searching on the internet and reading of books, other peoples blogs and I took a little from a number of sources, and started working on horses. This is not the first set of horses I did for these riders. The first set came out terrible. So I took some more horses out and started again. The orginal horses are needed for other troops so they are taking a bath in paint remover right now.
I am really happy with the horses, and riders are ok. I did all the shields free hand (I really need to work on my free hand still) and overall these work quite well.
Cavalry with Firearms
These are Essex miniatures. they are not the best out there, but they are serviceable. The models are all in one cast unlike the rest of the elements here which the riders are separate to the horse.
I do need to get another pack of these as they only come in packs of four figures, that is a problem when they have to come in from the UK and we are in the middle of lockdown. I am really not sure what to think of these models. but they look pretty good and will work well for me.
All these mounted troops are not the only ones needed so I can field everything, but as they have been here the longest I have started on them.
What is next for my Medieval forces.
I have number of groups of Knights to do. The next part shall be at least two units of knights, the third part will be Light horse bow, and more Cavalry some with bow, some with lances. that will give me all the mounted troops I should need to field a number of lists in ADLG, for the medieval period.
On the work bench.
I need a break from horses, so I am going to look at a Skaven Bloodbowl Team. This team like the goblin team I have had for a very long time. As I am painting all these old projects I best get on to these teams sooner rather than later. As I have a major project to start in the future and I really need to finish some of these old ones off.
After that I need to go back and finish my Saga force and I will also do more mounted troops for ADLG.
I will get through some of these projects for this year and be quite pleased with my progress.