3 Spartans for Mythic Battles Pantheon

Mythic Battles: Pantheon (MBP) is a miniature boardgame produced by Monolith Board Games. MBP features characters from Greek Mythology in a 2-player boardgame; essentially collecting items from a board and controlling areas. Monolith are a French mob who Kickstart games with heaps of miniatures and end up with pledge totals in the millions. Not miles different from CMoN in what they do and how they operate. They’ve recently done a Kickstarter for Mythic Battles: Ragnarok. That game moves the setting to Norse mythology, but is ages away from completion and shipping and that was before COVID completely screwed logistics and manufacturing.

3 Spartans for Mythic Battles Pantheon 1

MBP focuses on the Gods, Heroes and Monsters from the Greek myths. However it also includes more cannon fodder types things as troops. These figures will move around the battlefield together as a unit and gradually get removed as they take damaage, reducing their overall effectiveness. The unit I’ve included here are the Spartans, which are very much in the exaggerated 300 Spartans style. This is Mythic Battles afterall, so there is no requirement for realism, and plausibility is not really of much interest either.

3 Spartans for Mythic Battles Pantheon 2


  • Flesh:
    • Base: Scale 75 Pink Flesh (SC-21)
    • Shadow I: Scale 75 Indian Shadow (SC-23)
    • Highlight I: Scale 75 Basic Flesh (SC-20)
    • Shadow II: Scale 75 African Shadow (SC-24)
    • Highlight II: Scale 75 Golden Skin (SC-19)
  • Leather:
    • Base: Scale 75 Black Leather (SC-32)
    • Highlight I: Scale 75 Brown Leather (SC-31)
    • Highlight II: Scale 75 Orange Leather (SC-28)
    • Highlight III: Scale 75 Iroko (SC-27)
    • Highlight IV: Scale 75 Birch (SC-25)
  • Cape:
    • Base: Scale 75 Deep Red (SC-35)
    • Highlight I: Scale 75 Antares Red (SC-37)
    • Highlight II: Scale 75 Aldereran Red (SC-38)
    • Shadow I: Scale 75 Sunset Purple (SC-33)
    • Highlight III: Scale 75 Mars Orange (SC-39)
  • Armour & Weapons:
    • Base A: Scale 75 Elven Gold (SC-74).
    • Base B: Scale 75 Darven Gold (SC-73)
    • Base C: Scale 75 Viking Gold (SC-72)
    • Base D: Scale 75 Elven Gold (SC-71)
    • Wash 1: Scale 75 Inktense Chestnut (SC-81)
    • Wash 2: Scale 75 Inktense Wood (SC-80)
    • Wash 3: Scale 75 Inktense Red (SC-85)
  • Shield:
    • Base: Scale 75 Hastur Purple (SFG-02)
    • Highlight I: Scale 75 Mayhem Red (SFG-03)
    • Highlight II: Scale 75 Baal Crimson (SC-04)
    • Back: Vallejo German Camouflage Black Brown (VMC 70.822)
  • Basing:
    • Rim: Scale 75 Brown Leather (SC-31)
    • Top: Vallejo Brown Sand (VMC 70.876)
    • Wash: Scale 75 Inktense Black (SC-79) & Inktense Wood (SC-80)
    • Plants: Various MiniNatur Silflor tufts
    • Rocks: Various Woodland Scenics Brown Talus (also washed)

I mixed up the colours I used for the different Bronze elements on the miniature to give some variety to everything. Mainly changing the coat and just using the inks to increase the red hue to move it from gold/brass to bronze. I also mixed in some Scale 75 Speed Metal (SC-66) into the Elven Gold on the weapons to really make them pop.

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The Monday Knights are a gaming group based in Melbourne Australia.  We are happy to play just about any game at any time.

We meet every Monday night at the Auburn Bowls club in Hawthorn East, Victoria, from 6pm onwards.

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