Adepticon 2015 is coming, rapidly, just weeks to go. March 19th – 22nd.
Adepticon is huge, the first time I went, I was blown away with the size of it. This year it has moved to a bigger and better venue, I am keen to see it all again and get some games in.
This year I am avoiding Flames of War, I am a little over that game, even though I had a great time at the last event, I am over it. I also have not had a chance to play everybody that is online in different forums, that play other games, so this year I am playing in Epic Armageddon and Bolt Action Tank Wars.
Not only am I playing in two comps but I am also going to spend one day just checking out all the action taking photo’s, and seeing what is big, new and shinny. Because both the Tournaments are just one day events, I am also going to do a couple of painting classes, to help correct some of the technique’s that I use painting. I am really looking forward to those and seeing what else people are working on and techniques I can take home from there.
Eldar for Epic Armageddon
I managed to put every singe epic army (and I have a lot of them) into storage before I moved to the US, this has meant that I have had to spend way to much coin and time searching ebay for all the units that I am going to use. My Army list below
[table id=4 /]I have only a couple more things to find, a wraith gate and maybe some more rangers. I started collecting in November, and it is now closing in on Feb. Of course collecting on ebay has meant that I have collected pieces that are missing bits, or making do with models that are not quite right. I have collected sprews of the old Eldar Warhost that have been pillaged by those before me.

And other packs and blisters that are in new and great condition. I am yet to start applying paint, and this could end badly for me, as I have to travel for work, and will be away for a week, I also head to Chicago a week early to have a bit of holiday with my family so out of eight weeks to go, I have six to paint this army, and some of the pieces I need for bolt action.
Bolt Action Tank Wars.
Thankfully most of the army I am taking for this is painted, for some silly reason I thought it would be cool to play in a Bolt action game, this is a game that I have had the rules for since they came out, I am however yet to play a single game. Am sure I will learn fast.
The army list above was not about being clever it was about what I have, and what I want to play with, the two things that I am missing from my collection are the 88 and the Nebelwerfer. There are only so many points that can go around, I guess.
As I read the tank wars book I realised just how unprepared I was, I need transports for everything, and I have exactly zero transports. I was hoping to use the stuff that I had already but it was pretty clear that it was not going to happen. I have had to start ordering, so far only the halftrack, I still need to order the field car’s all three of them. maybe next week….
So really I am not ready for this con at all, thankfully it would not be a real con if I were, If there were not some last-minute painting, some really late nights, and some sheer panic to get stuff finished, it just would not be right. Best of all, I still need to work out a way to transport both these armies with me to ChiTown.
I guess it is now time to just get to it and paint like crazy, but as I have put off finishing Deadpool, I have to ask.. What could possibly go wrong?