Ke-Ho Base Colours

Ke-Ho Base Colours 1

A little time with the airbrush has put the base colours on the Ke-Ho. It all started with a dirty green base coat (Green Brown VMC 70879). The Model Colours don’t work straight through an airbrush so you have to thin them. I’ve found another Vallejo product – their Airbush Thinner (VMC 71361) to be … Read more

Hind Commander Battle Report

Hind Commander Battle Report 2

Ultra-Modern USMC vs Soviet Hind hoard For those new to Hind Commander I’ve previously posted a quick synopsis on the game. The battlefield was fairly unremarkable, a few ridges and small stands of trees surrounding a large town that was just on the Russian side of the front line to the north. A small helicopter … Read more

Ke-Ho Undercoated

Ke-Ho Undercoated 3

A quick little update (mainly pics). I’m undercoated the Ke-Ho in grey and then done some shading. I’m using a technique called colour modulation. This technique involves creating exaggerating highlights and darks in the early stages. At the early stage it can look a little goofy, as it over-emphasises natural lighting and makes it look … Read more

Ke-Ho Colours

Ke-Ho Colours 4

Some colour thoughts: The following colours are inspired by Battlefront’s hobby article on painting 15mm WW2 Japanese armour. I’ve no idea how accurate this is and frankly don’t really care: they’re just inspiration for me as the Empire of the Blazing Sun never existed and ball tanks aren’t a real thing either. Base: Green Brown … Read more

Ke-Ho Ironclad Assembly

Ke-Ho Ironclad Assembly 5

Didn’t feel like painting this evening so I busted out the Ke-Ho and started doing some assembly. I had already done a fair bit of trimming and smoothing the parts and a close examination had revealed a couple of things: I had a few air bubbles, but these were very minor and only one part … Read more

Hind Commander Quick Review

Before putting up some game reports and other Hind Command stuff, I’m going to give a bit of an introduction. Hind Commander is a pretty small game that most won’t have heard of from a small Polish publisher Assault Publishing. This will be a very short review, in the next couple of weeks I intend … Read more