Dust Mil Mi-47 Helicopter

Dust Mil Mi-47 Helicopter 2

Another Dust miniature, this is one of my favourites. The look of the miniature has grown on me; initially I thought it was a bit bulbish and rounded, but now I’m all for it. This look also fits in with the feel of Dust: there’s a 50s Pulp feel to the art and the Mi-47 … Read more

Dust IS-5 Heavy Tank

Dust IS-5 Heavy Tank 3

I’ve got another Dust piece completed. For those waiting for 3mm, soon I’ll have another couple of helos up and then it will be a couple of group shots ahead of some Hind Commander game. However, for the moment it’s about the big stuff: 32mm. The Dust vehicles are pretty cool as they come with … Read more

Dust Winterchild II

Dust Winterchild II 4

Winterchild is complete. I’m pretty happy with how he came up. The metallic effect has worked pretty well. I used an ink instead of the washes I’ve experimented with previously and it made things quite a bit easier. I needed fewer coats to get a nice colouration and the coverage is much easier to manage. … Read more

Dystopian Wars Aristotle class Battleship

Dystopian Wars Aristotle class Battleship 5

I’ve had a little bit of ADD of late: jumping round from project to project to project. An ongoing project I’ve had is my Antarctican Dystopian Wars fleet. This is one of those projects I come back to every so often to break out a couple more models, get them painted and (all to infrequently) … Read more

Dust Winter Child

Dust Winter Child 6

I’m going to step away from the 3mm stuff for a little while and continue to make a mockery of my title. Like many a wargamer I play a number of systems (too many if I’m honest). So we’re going to use this as an excuse to take a bit of a diversion (apologies if … Read more