L’Art de la Guerre: The Monday Knights Get Biblical

L'Art de la Guerre: The Monday Knights Get Biblical 1

L’Art de la Guerre (ADLG) is an enjoyable and easily learned ancients and medieval wargame. The Monday Knights wargames club will be hosting a five round, two-day tournament. The event theme is “The Monday Knights Get Biblical“ 200-point armies should be chosen from the “Ancient” and “Classical” sections of the army lists. Allies that are from sections outside these are not permitted.

Into the Abyss

Vanguard Abyssal

…the journey begins…. It has been far too long since I have had the pleasure of fantasy table top wargaming. Mantic Games were very generous in providing a number of stater & booster sets to the Monday Nights War Game club to get us started & I was crazy enough to put my hand up … Read more

Vanguard: our club, our story

Vanguard: our club, our story 3

A few weeks back Mantic Games asked for some volunteers to put together some warbands for their Fantasy skirmish game Kings of War: Vanguard. With some free toys on offer the Monday Knights were only to happy to put our name forward, and lo and behold our little antipodean club was selected to participate. A … Read more

Launching our new Blog.

Launching our new Blog. 6

The plan is for those of us who have blogs that we don’t wish to maintain, is to slowly migrate them over to here.   Any sort of planing here will most likely go out the window and it will be on big hit.  Who is going to be writing, these are possibly the things we … Read more

Dropzone Commander Tournament

Dropzone Commander Tournament 7

I’m running a Dropzone Commander tournament on the 5-APR-2015. If you’re in Melbourne (Australia) and interested in a game of Dropzone Commander then head on down to Melbourne High School and participate in Melbourne’s inaugural Dropzone Commander tournament. More details can are on a dedicated Reconquest 2015 page. Signup is available at the Conquest website. … Read more