2020 – A new decade

2020 - A new decade 12

It is 2020 and it is a new decade. with the passing of the last decade we have done a lot in the world of gaming. Gone are days of people maintaining their own blog, doing painting in a rush to get content done. So we as a group have grown and started to share that work load.  After all life is getting in the way far too often for do everything our selves.

2020 - A new decade 13

The 2010’s as I look back them, I got much war gaming done, however towards the end last year it is easy to say I lost motivation. Life in a way had been stopping me from painting, as is evident on how many posts I made on the subject over the last year.

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Ogre Bloodbowl Team

Ogre Bloodbowl Team 20

Games Workshop released a new team in December, the Ogre Bloodbowl team.  I just happen to have on gifted to me for Christmas.  So very happy.  Another one of our members has also picked up the same team and painted it up already you can find that article here. Shadow did a brilliant job on these minis.  I am here to review the mini’s  and put my spin on the paint Job. Ogre Bloodbowl Team 21

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Vanguard Terrain

Vanguard Terrain 22

One of the things that came from Mantic was a few of their terrain packs. These feature special terrain pieces that are used for most of the scenarios in the rulebook. I think this is really cleaver, aligning the random objectivy sort of things you get with the rule book is not hard to do, … Read more