Northern Alliance Dwarves and more

Northern Alliance Dwarves and more 1

I’ve done a few odds and ends for my Northern Alliance warband. First I finished my 5 dwarves. These are very basic, very weak grunts (decidedly un-dwarven characters). Still they’ve proved useful taking objects, sacrificing into things, finishing off downed figures, supplying an out number and adding to the size of the warband. This last … Read more


Thunderbirds 7

A couple of us have picked up some of Games Workshop’s new dog fighting game Aeronautica Imperialis. We’ve played a handful of games and some of us are further along in our painting than others. Our early impressions are the game is pretty good. The miniatures are great: they look good, have nice detail, go … Read more

Send in the grunts

Send in the grunts 20

Time to make some in-roads into putting my Vanguard Abyssal warband & flesh out the ranks with some grunts. The Forces If the Abyss Vanguard Starter pack has a plastic sprue of Lower Abyssal “grunts”. They are a multi piece kit with plenty of weapon and head options – enough to put together five Lower … Read more

Proxy Imp Swarm

Proxy Imp Swarm 28

So these minis aren’t Mantic minis. I went scratching around my bits box looking for something to do a little colour testing before I started hard core painting my Abyssal demons. They are actually a bunch of resin grots that “Lucky” from the Monday Knights gave me as a birthday present a while ago (OK … Read more