Carthaginian Army

Carthaginian Army 1

The elephants I just posted represent the last major piece of this army! It’s been months in the making, much of it procrastination, but I’ve got a full ADLG army with a few options. You actually might notice something missing: my camp. I had finished it, but I experienced my first bout of frosting with … Read more


Elephants 4

I’ve got a pretty simple rule for list building Ancient Armies: take the maximum number of elephants. I don’t think this method is the best, but I like elephants and if a list can taken them then it really should. The ADLG Carthaginians can take 3, so I painted 3 elephants. Body: Base: NATO grey … Read more

Carthaginian Heavy Spear

Carthaginian Heavy Spear 8

Some actual Carthaginians for my Cathaginian army! These have been a bit tedious: 48 miniatures all exactly the same. I didn’t do any fancy shields as the surface has significant curvature and I’m not comfortable enough in my free-hand on such a tricky surface. To get these done quickly I mass-painted them on sticks (you … Read more

Spanish Scutarii

Spanish Scutarii 23

More non-Carthaginians for my Carthagenian ADLG army. I’m keeping to mainly reds for this army, but I’ve used a slightly different red to most of the others (a slightly deeper red). That coupled with the shields helps them stand out from the others. Body: Flesh – Base: Medium Fleshtone (VMC 70.860) Flesh – Wash: Sepia … Read more

Carthaginian Command

Carthaginian Command 28

These were painted in the last couple of days with some of the other miniatures and had just been waiting on photographs. I didn’t record the colours, as they’re pretty much just bits and pieces from the other figures. But I did take lots of pictures. I’ve painted them with different coloured, matching capes to … Read more

Numidian Light Cavalry

Numidian Light Cavalry 33

A quick update with some more 15mm Ancients miniatures. This time it’s some Numidian Light Cavalry. I’ve reused the colours from the Numidian Light Infantry (the riders) and the Iberian Cavalry (the horses). I’m planning on doing another 2 bases of these as that maxes out the Carthaginian list and I think I’d like to … Read more