Another Chaos Dwarves Team

Another Chaos Dwarves Team 7

If you’ve been following this blog for a little while then you’ll have seen this team before. A little while ago I painted a Chaos Dwarf team in black and green. Well someone else liked them so much they also asked me to paint their team which was the same. The customer didn’t have a … Read more

Iberian Cavalry

Iberian Cavalry 28

These figures are a continuation of my Carthaginian forces. This time it is 5 and one third bases of Medium (or maybe Heavy) Iberian Cavalry. Another group of miniatures I’m very happy with. I find 15mm very time consuming, but also very rewarding when they’re done. I think they look pretty good, especially the shields … Read more

Jabba the Orcs

Jabba the Orcs 33

Another Bloodbowl team completed as part of a commission. This set is from Impact Miniatures. They’ve been a bit of a battle to be honest. They’re cast from “Trollcast”, which I’d never heard before checking out the website. I’m not a fan of the material, it sort of accepts primer (they came to me with … Read more

Walkers I

Walkers I 42

My first batch of 10 walkers. I’m sure I will need more, and in fact I have another 8 I will paint up before too long. I’ve made these much darker and simpler than the heroes. Simpler because there are so many, they’re not the heroes and they’re dirty and grimy any way. I didn’t … Read more

Rick, Carl & The Governor

Rick, Carl & The Governor 45

These three don’t really belong together (OK, the first two do…). However, I put them together when doing pictures so they’re staying together. First the Governor (Brian Blake), he’s the origial scary bad guy from the comics. I wanted a prepper vibe for him, so it was a couple of muted colours with a bright … Read more