Magnetising Scourge Cruisers

Magnetising Scourge Cruisers 5

It’s been really slow around here. I’ve been sick, in a bit of a painting procrastination phase and just generally being way to quiet. However, things have finally started moving again. I’ve got a couple of painted miniatures to varnish and photograph, but before that I’m going to do a quick post on some assembly and magnetisation I’ve done for Dropfleet Commander.

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Mechanical Doves

Mechanical Doves 6

A few simple models, and the start of my Colette crew. I haven’t finished every model I’ll use with Ramos (I haven’t even finished my core crew to be honest), but I’m keen to do some more interesting colours and the showgirls will give me plenty of chances to use some pretty bright and vibrant colours.

Before that though I wanted to just get some things painted – to whit I’ve quickly done up the three Mechanical Doves that come in Colette’s box. I didn’t go wild with these; they’re pretty cool little miniatures and I think adding to much more will just make them distracting. One thing I did do with these was to paint the base colour on with an airbrush.


First the colours for the dove themselves.

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