Orc Linemen

Orc Linemen 1

Another new system? No, this system has been round for years…


My scheme is based on the Penn State University uniform: dark blue and white. Penn State was where I did my post graduate education and it seemed a good enough colour scheme to try on my orcs. The green of their skin offsets nicely and I felt like the challenge of white, but not too much white. For those who don’t follow US college football, this is what I’m going for:

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Ramos 2

Another Malifaux figure done. This scheme is more like the box art, but I wanted to make the coat a little more of a sea blue colour to it. I’m going with a blue theme for this crew. It’s the Arcanist colour and I think it suits Ramos. I’ve used the same colour on the baby arachnid he’s holding that I used on the larger Arachnids that I posted earlier. Again blue to tie it all together.


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Joss 3

Continuing my journey into Malifaux I spent a heap of time painting a bunch of bases using the same colours as the Arachnids, and now it’s on to actually painting some figures. I’ve started with Joss as he’s got a nice large area of easy to access muscular skin and I wanted to try a couple of skin techniques I’ve had bouncing around in my head for a while.

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MK1881 Ares Blood bowl Team

MK1881 did a kick starter for the Ares Blood bowl team, I want to say around a year ago, I recently dipped the toe back in to commission painting.  One of the members of the Melbourne Blood Bowl League had this team and really wants to play with it, however it was not painted.   Being a fantastic looking team I took the commission.


MK1881 Ares Blood bowl Team 4
Full Team

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