Test Israeli Sho’t

Test Israeli Sho't 1

A little something different and larger than normal. I think I’ve previously mentioned that I was going to do some 6mm AIW. The first component of this is a number of Israeli Sho’t (Improved Centurion Tanks). I’ve finished one as a test model, and I’m quite happy with the result. The colour is a little … Read more

Dropzone Commander Resistance

Dropzone Commander Resistance was a force for Drop Zone Commander I had to get, clearly designed as an insurgency force, but it had choppers, and it was shiny so I couldn’t resist.



I didn’t buy the starter box like I should have but rather I started collecting by getting what ever blisters the local store had.  Which was not much but it was a start.  This was meant to be a slow build not something that I felt i had to have completed in a week or two.

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E-7A Wedgetail – Complete

E-7A Wedgetail - Complete 2

The final step in this build was to print up some custom decals. I used Bare-Metal Foil‘s decal film. This product is a clear film that can be printed on with a laser printer. They’ve a number of variations with different colours and laser printing options all available. It was simply a matter of creating some images and then finding a high enough quality printer to print them out. At this scale even the huge markings on these planes are still only 2-3mm across so you need a good printer. I printed the following image, note the three different copies. I ended up using one and a half.DecalsX3

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E-7A Wedgetail – Painted

E-7A Wedgetail - Painted 3

Another bit of progress with the Wedgetail this evening. It’s now fully painted – all it’s waiting for is for me to print and apply the decals and then give it a good seal with dull coat.

Not much to say really. The main colour is White Grey (VMA 71.119). The details are either Medium Sea Grey (VMC 70.870) or my standard black mix (50-50 mix of black and a dark grey). Lastly I used NATO Camouflage Wash (MIG-1008) to give it some depth and pick out the flap lines.WedgeTail-Painted-Leftside

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DAK Infantry Squads

The DAK Infantry Squads are finally complete.  I needed a lot of motivation to finish these two but they are done. It is not like they were not nice to paint, they are Perry Mini’s it is just I really lacked the want to finish them.

DAK Infantry Squads 4

DAK Squads


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Egyptian BMP Battalion (1973)

Egyptian BMP Battalion (1973) 5

I’ve finished my first Modern Spearhead unit. It’s the core of a Egyptain Infantry Battalion for the Yom Kippur war. I’ve still got to add the organic mortar company, but I’m waiting on an order from PicoArmor that includes those miniatures and a heap of T-62s.

The structure of this Battalion is 3 companies of infantry each mounted in BMP-1s. They’re not big companies so each has only 2 stands. With my basing of 2 vehicles per stand that means 12 tiny little BMP-1s plus one for the Battalion HQ.BMP1-Battalion-01

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