1/600th Ultramodern Marines

I am very lucky to know some amazing former US Marines, some of which server on Sea Kings and later on V-22 Osprey’s.  So in an Ode to them I have painted up an ultra Modern Marine force for Hind Commander.  I have completed the air part of the task force, the ground part of the task force is next.



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Painting the Rubicon Models Panzer III

Painting the Rubicon Models Panzer III, has been pretty easy, the model it’s self was a pleasure to put together and painting is no different.

Painting the Rubicon Models Panzer III 1
undercoat on Rubicon Models Panzer III

I am going to go through the process I use to paint tanks and some other larger models, I do use a Modulation Style to begin with.  Then I will get into the details.

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Rubicon Models Panzer III

Rubicon Models Panzer III arrived on my desk a short while ago.  I have been keen to see how these go together, for my DAK force some Panzer III’s are always welcome.   There is a lot of very happy people out in the community raving about these models. Now that I have received my order I can get to and put it together.

Rubicon Models Panzer III 2
Rubicon Models 1/56 Scale Panzer III

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Modern Spearhead Plans

Modern Spearhead Plans 3

As well as Hind Commander I’ve been looking at a few of the other rule sets out there that can be used with 3mm. One that’s interested me is Modern Spearhead. While its intended as a 6mm rule set it works on bases that are 1 1/4″ square (30mm). This size base will work for 3mm as I can put 2-3 miniatures on the base to give more of a group feel. Each base in Spearhead represents roughly a platoon, so it should have around 5 tanks in it, but that will look like a car park. Before committing to anything I experimented with a few different configurations.

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Painted Destroyers

Painted Destroyers 4

Not a huge amount of progress at the moment. It’s coming to a pretty busy period with a lot of work and also a lot of social activities. Both of these combine to mean not a lot of miniature progress. However I have some Dropzone Commander minis that I’m quite happy with.

The Destroyers are a race of cuddly teddy bears that the Scourge took over at one point and turned into massive, cuddly, weapons of destruction. I personally think they’re just misunderstood – not all 10′ tall creatures with guns in both hands, big teeth and scary eyes are dangerous. Anyway I’m quite happy with how they’ve come out: the bright colours of the weapons help to make them a bit more interesting than just grey and brown.SCRG-Destroyers1

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28mm WW2 Painting Round Up

My 28mm WW2 Painting, has been going along at a rapid rate.  This Blog has kept me motivated for the short term, I hope it will do the same for the long term.  Of course because I only post here every 3-4 days, I am finishing stuff well before they get posted. So to catch up here is a round up of finished pieces.

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