Ke-Ho Base Colours

Ke-Ho Base Colours 1

A little time with the airbrush has put the base colours on the Ke-Ho. It all started with a dirty green base coat (Green Brown VMC 70879). The Model Colours don’t work straight through an airbrush so you have to thin them. I’ve found another Vallejo product – their Airbush Thinner (VMC 71361) to be … Read more

Ke-Ho Undercoated

Ke-Ho Undercoated 2

A quick little update (mainly pics). I’m undercoated the Ke-Ho in grey and then done some shading. I’m using a technique called colour modulation. This technique involves creating exaggerating highlights and darks in the early stages. At the early stage it can look a little goofy, as it over-emphasises natural lighting and makes it look … Read more

Ke-Ho Colours

Ke-Ho Colours 3

Some colour thoughts: The following colours are inspired by Battlefront’s hobby article on painting 15mm WW2 Japanese armour. I’ve no idea how accurate this is and frankly don’t really care: they’re just inspiration for me as the Empire of the Blazing Sun never existed and ball tanks aren’t a real thing either. Base: Green Brown … Read more

USMC Wrap-up

USMC Wrap-up 4

I’ve finished and even played a game with the USMC forces that have been built up throughout the life of this blog. I’d neglected posting about these of late, the last minis painted for it (some OH-58Ds in olive green) I hadn’t even posted about. So I’ve just taken some pictures and thrown up a … Read more

Police Precinct Commission – Complete

Just a final few shots showing each of the units/types together. I’ve also put in a proper background and set the camera up a little better to give some slightly better shots. These disappear tomorrow, and have been a fun little project. They’re not 100% complete as the client wants to add the wash.