Mail Call – Gaslands Factory Seconds

Mail Call - Gaslands Factory Seconds 1

Very happy with today’s mail call After painting up the Gas Lands wrecks I thought I would grab some proper Gas Lands gates & dice. Found some “factory seconds” on Etsy and thought I would give them a go … aslands-ho … -skid-dice While I was on the web site & already paying … Read more

Six Incursion APEs

Six Incursion APEs 29

APE stands for Armoured Personal Exoskeleton; which is the name for the USA’s battle armour in Incursion. Incursion is a Wierd World War 2 game, set it an imaginary universe where WW2 didn’t end and instead things got wierd. There are a number of such settings, both in pop culture and miniature gaming. For example … Read more