Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project – Part 1

Falcon holding a sword for Jade Falcon

My Clan Jade Falcon Cluster Project is my biggest Battletech undertaking.   Lets start with a how the clans are arranged.   Rank Unit Consists of Warrior N/A N/A Squad Commander Squad 5 Warriors Point Commander Point 1 ‘Mech, 2 Aerospace Fighters, 2 Combat Vehicles, 5 Elementals, or 5 squads. Star Commander Star 5 Points Nova[55] … Read more

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2

15mm Medieval Mounted Troops Part 2 1

Finally after all these years I have put paint to the 15mm Medieval Mounted troops.  This time I have two light horse with bows, two Cavalry with fire arms, 4 heavy Knights and 4 not so heavy knights. Light Horse with Bow’s The Light horse with bow are a very new purchase, I need some … Read more

Proxy Imp Swarm – Part 2

Proxy Imp Swarm - Part 2 3

It is tough putting together Imp swarms for Vanguard for the Forces of the Abyss warband. Unfortunately the Mantic games Forces of the Abyss sprues only have one Imp figure per sprue and each swarm base needs four or five figures per base. My first attempt at proxy miniatures was using resin grots from (now … Read more

Flames of War StuGs – My first PSC Experience

Flames of War StuGs - My first PSC Experience 15

I have gotta admit – this has been a VERY long term project. Like all others, it started with some enthusiasm, but after some early progress, interest waned and the whole tray of StuGs sat on the shelf gathering dust. Assembly and painting began back in April 2013 (Yes – over 7 years ago), but … Read more

Innersphere Mechs Part 2

Innersphere Mechs Part 2 36

Continuing on from my Part 1 I have the follow up all completed and ready to go. With Battletech still waiting on the Battletech Kickstarter, I should complete the rest of the IS mechs. we have here: Jenner Mercuray Panther Trenchbuchet Centurion quickdraw Enforcer this gives me 20 Mechs in this scheme. and overall some … Read more