Saga Order of St John Mounted Warriors

Mounted Warriors of St John

I have finally painted my Order of St John Mounted Warriors.  I have only had these since 2015, these are the Fireforged Games Mounted Sergeants.  Bases are old Galeforce 9 bases, and they’re going to be part of a Saga crusader warband. The real story here is not the Men-At-Arms; it is the horses. I … Read more

British Napoleonic Infantry

British Napoleonic Infantry 17

These have been painted for a while (since January), just waiting to be photographed. These were for an event in January (i.e. before COVID-19 stopped all such shenanigans), where we played a Blucher campaign of the 100 days. I was assigned the British/Allied Reserve Corps, which was 7 bases of British and Brunswicker infantry. This … Read more