I have had mixed success with Kickstarters over the last couple of years. With slow turn around on Relic Knights and well we all know about the delay’s that Robotech has had, but this past week I received my Rolljordan Nectomantic Fantasy Team.
Reviews of products – games, paints, miniatures, terrain, anything.
DBA 3.0 :- Review
DBA was my first entry into Ancients, I had not played any ancients before and was keen to give them ago, with out wanting to jump in the deep end and get going WRG or DBM at the time a whole group of us looked at BDA.
5mm Dice Frames Review
Much to my surprise my 90mm hexes arrived after less than a week from ordering them. Maybe I’ve got low expectations provided by a life time of Australian retail, but I wasn’t expecting them for another week or two. Any way, I’m not going to talk about the hexes, because I threw something else random in with the order: 5mm dice frames.
Littlewars Photos
Happy Seppuku Base Stamps
Happy Seppuku manufacture textured stamps for creating you own textured bases. If you’ve ever dreamed of having something more exciting than sand on your bases, but are put off by the expense of cast bases then these might be of interest to you. They are pretty simple to use, in fact there are just three … Read more
Hind Commander Quick Review
Before putting up some game reports and other Hind Command stuff, I’m going to give a bit of an introduction. Hind Commander is a pretty small game that most won’t have heard of from a small Polish publisher Assault Publishing. This will be a very short review, in the next couple of weeks I intend … Read more