Having finally completed the Alpha Trinary, I got moving on My Clan Jade Falcon – Bravo Trinary Talon Star. I have a deadline and that sound is looming so I had to get a move along, I would like to finish 1 project this year. This is my chance, however the year is closing fast. I did not use my Covid lockdown time efficiently on this project at all. It is a lot of green and that gets to you after a while.
While the paint colours remain the same, I try to add or do something different on each mech just to break up the see of Green and yellow. This star contains some mechs I have since well, I am not sure when they are old plastic models. I have 3 of them, the Dashi, the Timber Wolf, and a Black Hawk. When you see them you recognise them. Since then we have had one other edition of plastic, and of course now we are about to get the 3rd edition, with the Clan kickstarter.
The Mech’s of Bravo Trinary Talon
Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) Prime Config
Dashi (Dire Wolf) Prime Config
Gladiator (Executioner) A Config
Vulture (Mad Dog) Prime Config
Thor (Summoner) A Config