The DAK Infantry Squads are finally complete. I needed a lot of motivation to finish these two but they are done. It is not like they were not nice to paint, they are Perry Mini’s it is just I really lacked the want to finish them.
DAK Squads
These last two squads make up 3 Infantry squads I have, I think I have to open the other box of Perry’s and put together some more LMG’s just so I can have enough to go around.

These are two identical squads, with extra’s just incase I need them, or choose to swap somethings out.

The Perry’s are nice to paint, however I really need to get back in to painting faces, I am not really happy with the work I have done there. I am more out of practice with that than I thought. too much time painting 15mm stuffs I think. Over the next month or so I need to work on that. I did most of the uniforms using a 2 Brush method, I am not really good with this yet and I am working on it, it is far faster than I thought, and the blending you can achieve is very nice. All the decals on the helmets are free hand painted.
I still have a little of the Perry kit to go, I have a light mortar and an Anti Tank Rifle. I will get these painted up quickly I hope they could be rather useful. I also have some Man Packed Flame throwers that I really should paint at some point as well.