We just had two tournaments in two weeks, while at the same time there was also a tournament in Sydney, which none of us went to.
We will start of in Tassie, with the Kingston Kup in the middle of a Tasmanian winter, and finish with Badgercon, where the lads from Bendigo held a series of tournaments for their clubs open day.
Kingston Kup.
Being in Tassie this sort of thing requires at least one extra day. So the Monday headed down on the Friday before the comp. We went out saw the sights an meet some locals around Hobart, it was cold windy but we had a great Friday.
Saturday morning, fresh as a Daisy we head over the road from the Pub we stayed in to the venue, we were greeted by the friendly Tassie lads, and some fantastic tables.

Each table has been hand crafted by the Tassie lads, Griggsy whom I played in the last game is the main driver behind this. All these tables join others to make big scenic tables, some over 50 feet long. They plan to start a complete Stalingrad table later this year, that will take about a year to complete, but will no doubt look fantastic.
This comp was an escalation comp we had to have lists for 1250, 1450, 1750 and 1945 points, this was actually a bit of a pain, I lost interest in doing lots of different lists for different lists for each point values. being able to taylor your lists would have been handy if you have the time to really do that. Being late war it was always going to be tough for me, playing germans, but hey playing US just isn’t cool any more.
Overall I had a blast, I did well some games, and not so well in others, over all I finished 5th, no bad since I took what I thought was an noncompetitive list. The Monday knights too the major swag of prizes, including the Best Club, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
It was a great weekend away, with some great people to play games against.
I again took germans in the LW tank fest, this comp was a single day 1000 points vehicle only comp, over 4 rounds. My King tigers were lent out to one of the boys for Kingston Kup so I opted for some Panthers instead. In what I figured would be a Heavy tank fest, this was not going to be competitive. So I took all the special rules in the world, yep using Late War Flames for what it has become a special rule fest. Night Attacking Panthers with IR gear, I only get 5 panthers but I also get cover of night and a jet when day comes around.
The Bendigo boys are a good bunch as well, so I was looking forward to the two hour drive up and back for a couple quick fun games.
I get a bye in round 1, but hey that happens, and on to playing other Knights in round 2, over all I could have done better, I was running a pretty bad list, but I finish just out side the placing. I think Badgercon could get alot better, there was only X-wing and Flames of war on Monday, it did have other games on Saturday and Sunday, getting more people to the events would be great, I am already looking forward to heading back there next year.