It really is Feboatary. I’m painting an IJN fleet for a friend and this is the progress thus far: the Sampans and the Kamikaze boats. This first post is the crazy stuff from the fleet box.
I think this will be the only sailboats I’ll be painting for Cruel Seas. I’m not sure if anyone else was crazy or desperate enough to try wooden unarmoured sailboats. Anyway, these involved a lot of washes and patience (the sails are a long process with all those straps). I’m not sure how to transport them at this point. The attachment point of the mast to the hull isn’t super deep and is wider than the mast so it doesn’t fit great I filled the gap, but it’s not 100% robust. I’m hoping they’ll dry more. Still, I’m happy with them.
- Hull:
- Undercoat: Black with white zenith highlight
- Basecoat: Sandalwood (SC-26), lightly applied w/ airbrush
- Topcoat: Orange Leather (SC-28), very light application w/ airbrush
- Wash: Inktense Wood (SC-81)
- Sail – Blue:
- Undercoat: Black with white zenith highlight
- Basecoat I: Boreal Green (SC-42), applied w/ airbrush from below
- Basecoat II: Caribbean Blue (SC-49), applied w/ airbrush from above
- Topcat: Adriatic Blue (SC-15), applied w/ airbrush straight on
- Wash: Blue Shade (VGC 73.207)
- Sail – Red:
- Undercoat: Black with white zenith highlight
- Basecoat I: Orange Leather (SC-28), applied w/ airbrush from below
- Basecoat II: Kalahari Orange (SC-11), applied w/ airbrush from above
- Wash: Sepia Shade (VGC 73.200)
- Drybrush I: Basecoat I
- Drybrush II: Basecoat II
- Masts:
- Basecoat: Dubai Brown (SC-13)
- Basecoat – Ties: Birch (SC-25)
- Basecoat – Rings: Oily Steel (VMC 70.865)
- Wash: Inktastic Chestnut (SC-81)
- Guns:
- Basecoat: Graphite (SC-03)
- Wash: PLW Black Night (A.MIG-1611)
- Shelter:
- Basecoat: Deck Tan (VMC 70.986)
- Streaks: PLW Black Night (A.MIG-1611)
- Crew: Same for all the other boats too
- Basecoat: White (SC-01)
- Skin: Sunny Skin Tone (VMC 70.845)
- Wash: Grey Wash for Kriegsmarine Ships (AK 303)
Shin’yo Kamikaze Boat:
These are tiny little things. But I guess when you’re just packing a boat with explosives and a pilot there’s not much point in making it big and clumsy. These are quick and easy, there’s not much going on with these. However there were 6 in the box rather than 3. However, the Maru-Ni Kamikaze boats were missing.
- Hull:
- Undercoat: Black with white zenith highlight
- Basecoat: Gunship Green (VMA 71.014), lightly applied w/ airbrush
- Wash: Dark Brown for Green Vehicles (AK 045)
- Drybrush I: Basecoat & Drybrush II – 1:1, moderately applied.
- Drybrush II: Sherwood Green (SC-44)
- Missiles:
- Basecoat: Arctic Blue (SC-05)
- Wash: PLW Black Night (A.MIG-1611)