The Monday Knights have Launched a blog where you can meet and get to know our Authors, and about some of our members.
As a club the Monday Knights as a collective has a lot of experience, and like most groups we all seek something different out of gaming. Get to know what has shaped our gaming, and what continues to inspire us to keep turning up each week and play more.

General Potus
General POTUS is a foundation member of the Monday Knights.
Everyone remembers their first true love. That true love for the General is Epic. This started with Games Workshop’s “Space Marine” being played on a mate’s bedroom floor using crudely painted miniatures and paper terrain. As Epic evolved, so did the General’s painting and terrain construction (Sad to say his tactical game play has not improved over the 30-ish years of war gaming). These early games instituted a tradition that General POTUS maintains to this day – good games played with good mates with a great cold beer!
Joining a Bloodbowl league at a local gaming store, the General broadened his interest into other Games Workshop products including Warhammer Fantasy, Necromunda and Mordhiem.
Following the demise of the LGS Bloodbowl league, the General gave a home to the homeless Bloodbowl players, agreeing to meet at his house on a Monday night, because it kept Friday and the weekend free for other social activities
The General has also been a long term Flames of War player and it can be said that he has driven more infantry tanks and heavy tanks to destruction than any other Flames of War player in Australia. While the General’s first foray into playing 1st Edition Flames of War began in 2003 with a couple of awkward games using 1/285 scale miniatures, it wasn’t long before the General was addicted. Up until now, General POTUS would only collect assemble and paint one army for each game he played. Flames of War sparked a “collectors” urge, and with every new army book or period, the General would buy and attempt to paint a new army. This was also a period of significant competitive play and the General participated in tournaments almost on a monthly basis. In addition to claiming a couple of Flames of War championship titles, a number of his FoW armies have also won painting awards.
Lord T
Ahhh, the fabulous Lord T. If only others found him quite as fabulous as he finds himself…
Founding member of the Monday Knights, Lord T started his wargaming journey at the tender age of 12 with a foray into the world of Games Workshops Warhammer. There started a journey of power gaming, rules bending and list breaking. Known for sulking when he loses and behaving like a bit of a prat when he wins, he is tolerated by his fellow Knights due to his incredible good looks and availability to have a beer at anytime of the day or night.
Meeting the General and Floppy over a game of Bloodbowl in the pre-2000’s seeded the beginnings of what would become the Monday Knights. Over the course of close to 1,000 Mondays the Monday Knights have gone from strength to strength sending delegations around Australia and across the ocean to compete in many a tournament. Many of which Lord T won, increasing his already unrealistic ego.
Lord T is willing to play almost any miniature based game and his collection of miniatures reflects a personality that is more dive in first, don’t bother to check the depth just buy more miniatures. As we all know, who dies with the most miniatures wins.

I am known by many names, but most people just call me Floppy. This is a little more about Floppy.
I have played many different games for well over 20 years, I cut my teeth on Battle Tech and old Space marine Epic, and have played every game that I have been exposed to since.
In 2012 I moved from Melbourne Australia, to San Diego USA, I have had the chance to experience loads of gaming, however there has been a slow down, I still got to a number of con’s and competitions a year but the days of getting to them all when I was in Australia, were well gone. Then in 2015 I moved back to Melbourne. It was all on again.
I have and do play alot of games not limited to Flames of War, Bolt Action, WHFB, WH40K, Epic, Bloodbowl, Mordhiem, Full Thrust, Urban War, The Uncharted Seas, AE-WWII, Star Wars Miniatures, War at Sea, DBx, FoG (all types), BattleTech, Malifaux, Saga, General Quarters, Ronin, and more yet that I care to remember. I have un-played rule sets in my Kindle and on my book shelves. There is no right or wrong scale or rule set they all have a place, and I wont tell somebody what is best, but that everybody has a choice to make.
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Crudboy’s initiation into war gaming was with Battletech way back in high school, where he spent more time creating ‘mechs with his friends, and not nearly enough time actually playing the game. Since then, Crudboy has dabbled in so many different tabletop games that he no longer remembers which rule goes with which game. His latest loves include, but aren’t confined to, Frostgrave, Gloomhaven, and Gaslands.

I Joined the Monday Knights in 2012 after a period of time away from miniature gaming.
I’ve been painting and blogging (via nanotanks) for almost just as long. Early on I was focused on microscale (2, 3 and 6mm) gaming, but now days you will see almost any scale or game system. I enjoy playing as well as the painting and hobby side of things. I also enjoy the photographic side of things too and take most of the pictures you see on our Social Media presence.
Main games for me (at the moment of course): Bloodbowl, Battletech, Malifaux, The Walking Dead and Art de la Guerre. But from me you will also see (particularly in the history): Dust, Secrets of the 3rd Reich, Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Alternative Events – WW2, Cruel Seas, Gaslands, Hind Commander, Modern Spearhead, Batman Miniature Game, Kings of War: Vanguard, Dropzone Commander, Team Yankee, Saga, Ronin and Mythic Battles: Pantheon.
You might also be able to catch some of the things I’d like to do Force on Force, Skirmish Sangin, other micro scale historical, 6mm Napoleonic, 6mm Ancients and War Rocket.