I have had mixed success with Kickstarters over the last couple of years. With slow turn around on Relic Knights and well we all know about the delay’s that Robotech has had, but this past week I received my Rolljordan Nectomantic Fantasy Team.
I am to say the least really happy with this team. There have been alot of crowd funding campaigns for Fantasy Football teams out there in recent months, I have looked at a few as I like to play a bit of Bloodbowl from time to time. I recently also got in on the Nuffle Dice for some sets of dice for Bloodbowl
All up I got the a total of 19 players, the casting and sculpting of these miniatures is fantastic.

The fact that big guys do fit onto a small base is just plain awesome, instead of having to use a 50mm base for a big guy I can use the 25’s makes keeping the player inside of the square they are meant to be in easier, and also you can stack beside and behind the players when it is like this.

Three individual sculpts here, they are really nice. Close up of one below.

The Wights are very nice, animated and look good.
The Ghouls are all multipiece the bodies and arms below

Overall the players are nice, and you get a good selection of players to use in a team.
The Zombies…
This is where the fun really starts I got nine Zombies, and they are all different, all from other teams, it is very cool

Too many here to choose from.
I have not really thought about painting them at this point, and none of these models have had any flash cleaned off by myself. They are as I received them. They are clean and look great.
I really rate these models and they will make a good change of team away from my Ogres or Dwarves or… well you get the idea, I am a little disapointed I only backed 1 team. I am keen to see how the next projects go from Rolljordan.
Check out the websites here.