Rubicon Models Panzer III arrived on my desk a short while ago. I have been keen to see how these go together, for my DAK force some Panzer III’s are always welcome. There is a lot of very happy people out in the community raving about these models. Now that I have received my order I can get to and put it together.

The box has three frames for the tank, a set of instructions and a sheet of decals. The Decal Sheet for the panzer 3 has decals for DAK Markings the palm tree, Black with white out lined, red with white outline, and white numbers. These come in two sizes, however only the larger size as two sets of all the numbers. Finally it has plenty of German cross.

The instructions are well designed, they are easy to follow.
The Frames are nice and well placed out. It was easy getting parts ready to assemble.

Some of the wall sections on the parts are really thin, this is no easy feat, the material, design and operaters making these have done very well Rubicon should rightfully be very proud of this product. The quality on the frames is really good. I didn’t have to clean many part lines at all, and those I did, were so small it took no time at all.
The parts are well detailed and look great.

The Assembly (no I didn’t take photos) was really simple and quick. I think I took about an hour from start to finish. There were no major problems, I didn’t have any gaps that I needed to fill, and it went pretty well seamlessly. Again a credit to all those involved this model is very nice.

I would have liked to have painted this tank more than I can now, as I paint using a Modulation style, it seems that I have run out of some of the colour’s I normally use, so I have had to place a panicked order for some more paint from the Ammo by Mig. It will take a couple of days for this to get here so I have painted this tank as far as I can.

Over all I am really happy with this model, I have seen some great work on Rubicon Models’ Tanks via the internet, I hope to add to that. I would recommend this tank, and others from the line that Rubicon currently produces. It is a good value tank. If I had some different materials here, I would have magnetised the barrels, while I wont on this model, I have a feeling that I will on others, unfortunately I didn’t have enough magnets small enough most of mine are 2mm ~ 3mm so a little big. I think I will invest in some 1.5mm sized magnets before the next tank arrives. For simplicity of assembly and crispness of the product I you can’t go wrong. This sitting beside my Warlord Panzer II and Die Waffenkammer Tiger it looks right at home.
For more info check out Rubicon Models they are very interactive with the community. I am hoping that Rubicon makes me a PAK 36(r) next as I am after one of those for my DAK force as well.