Brass Arachnid

Brass Arachnid 1

There’s not a huge number of colours on this model. It’s mainly about modulating the colours. Again blue is a feature of the flame to tie it together with the other models (in particular the Electric Creation). The filters applied to the body were dilute and applied unevenly; the intent is to give some colour variation. The brown makes the pale yellow metallic richer. The brown blue wash hints at oxidized brass and adds some more depth and interest (in particular in some of the recesses).


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Electrical Creation

Electrical Creation 2

I’ve shifted from Bloodbowl to Malifaux for a little bit. I’ve got a bye in Bloodbowl so it will be a few weeks until I play again. While, in just 3 short weeks I am playing in a Malifaux tournament (Twatifaux). As a result I want to get as much painted as possible so as to give me variety in what I run. This little guy doesn’t spend long on the board to be frank. I tend to be killing him in order to create a scrap marker that then starts my Steam Arachnid engine. Still, one day I might keep him round past turn 1.


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Ramos 4

Another Malifaux figure done. This scheme is more like the box art, but I wanted to make the coat a little more of a sea blue colour to it. I’m going with a blue theme for this crew. It’s the Arcanist colour and I think it suits Ramos. I’ve used the same colour on the baby arachnid he’s holding that I used on the larger Arachnids that I posted earlier. Again blue to tie it all together.


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Joss 5

Continuing my journey into Malifaux I spent a heap of time painting a bunch of bases using the same colours as the Arachnids, and now it’s on to actually painting some figures. I’ve started with Joss as he’s got a nice large area of easy to access muscular skin and I wanted to try a couple of skin techniques I’ve had bouncing around in my head for a while.

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Gotham City Telephone Booth

Gotham City Telephone Booth 6

Batman week continues with another scenery item. Our simplest piece yet – the Gotham Phone Booth. Sure it’s not much to look at, but it was a fair bit of work to put together. I had a couple of issues with this model. The main one being that it hadn’t been cut through all the way; it wasn’t too bad, but it took a fair bit of work to get the pieces out and clean up. The other issue is that there is an acrylic box that goes on the inside. This is made up of 4 sheets of 3mm thick acrylic and it’s just a little too big. As a result it had to be filed down to get it to fit. Neither of these was a big deal, but it did mean it took about as long to put together as the SWAT van and it’s a fraction the size.


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