Ruined WWWII Buildings

Ruined WWWII Buildings 1

I received some laser cut MDF buildings a couple of weeks back. These are from a Kick-starter done by Commission Figurines. They’re 28mm scale which is ever so slightly on the small side for Dust, but really it’s not very noticeable and without the height boost provided by the figure base would probably be perfect. These buildings are really just WWII, but I’ll be using them for Weird WWII, as I don’t play WWII.

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New Dust Warfare Project

New Dust Warfare Project 2

In the interest of continuing to jump around projects like a mad man I’ve got a new project lined up. Myself and a couple of others will be running some demo games at Little Wars, which is a convention that runs down here in Melbourne (Australia). Now, where still working out the details of what we will be doing, but basically I’m going to need to paint some Dust minis and build some terrain. Fortunately I’ve been wanting to do these two things regardless. So Little Wars gives me a clear motivation and a deadline; two things that greatly improve my productivity.

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Painted Batman

Painted Batman 3

It seems I am jumping around a fair bit at the moment, so let’s continue the pattern and introduce another line of minis. This one is by Knight Models who have the rights to produce Batman miniatures. Now, they’re not cheap, but Knight have done a spectacular job of sculpting these and the game around them is pretty good with a definite Batman feel to the combat. However, this is one of those ones that is almost completely about the miniatures.Batman-01

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Anarchy Stencils and Dust Mi46 Helo Part I

Anarchy Stencils and Dust Mi46 Helo Part I 4

This is a bit of a double post. First I want to talk about a recent KickStarter I got in on. Late last year Anarchy Models ran a quick starter to get some stencils produced. Their campaign was successful and ended up unlocking 38 stencils. Their stencils are designed to be used as masks on … Read more

Ke-Ho Washes

Ke-Ho Washes 5

After a long hiatus on this project I’ve finally made some progress. Not a heap of progress mind you, but still a decent amount. The next step after the base colours is adding a wash to bring out the panel lines, rivets and other details. I use oil paints as they have a long working … Read more