Mentioned elsewhere in this blog was my the start of my latest Hind Commander strike group. I’ve found my E-8C JSTARS enormously useful in my USMC task force and so I’d like to include another AEW&C asset in this force. They are also not typically available as retail models so provide a nice little conversion opportunity. My next task force is going to be an ultra-modern Australian Defence Force (ADF) strike group based on the Recon doctrine. The current AEW&C used by the ADF (operated by the Royal Australian Airforce – RAAF) is the E-7A Wedgetail which is based on a 737-700.
Australian Hind Commander Strike Group
Now that my USMC strike group is nicely put together, I’m thinking about my next Hind Commander project. The USMC strike group is a pretty blunt instrument: it’s based heavily around the AWACs lighting everything up and the Vipers come in to destroy what needs destroying. The Venoms are there in case I need a transport and the Kiowa to call in the airplanes.