This is the first post of a new army project I’m in the middle of. This army is another Crusader army, but this time it is the Templars. However, there isn’t going to be any Templars for a little while as I’m starting with the generic crusader component of this project and even then at the bottom, levy heavy end. This is a big project, probably my biggest yet. There are about 200 foot troops and 50 mounted, as well as a pretty cool looking gate tower (serving as camp).
Hospitaller Commanders & Mounted Sergeants
I didn’t get time to take photos of these earlier (things have been a little crazy). But they were ready for the tournament a few weeks back so that is the most important thing. These are commanders, which are essentially just tokens in ADLG so they can be on almost any sized bases. I use … Read more
Crusader Heavy Spear
Some more miniatures for my Crusader army. This time they’re not Hospitallers, but rather general Heavy Spear from the period. There’s not much rhyme or reason to the shield patterns. There’s only about 6 colours (white, black, yellow, blue, green and red), but the random mising makes it look quite colourful. Particular when you compare … Read more
Hospitaller Sergeants with Crossbow
Many of the colours (armour, coats, straps, skin, etc) are the same as for the Brother Knights. However, there are a couple of new bits: Crossbow: Wood – Base: Sandalwood (SC-26) Wood – Wash: Sepia Shade (VGC 73.200) Metal – Base: Gunmetal Grey (VMC 70.863) Wash: Black Wash (VGC 73.201) Quiver: Same as the Brother … Read more
Knight Hospitaller – Brother Knights
This is the start of a Medieval army for Art de la Guerre. Rather than go something nice and generic that’s brightly coloured and could do any of a dozen lists I’ve gone for something different. I’m painting a Knights Hospitaller army in black: which is none of those things. However, it’s a project I … Read more