1/600th Ultramodern Marines

I am very lucky to know some amazing former US Marines, some of which server on Sea Kings and later on V-22 Osprey’s.  So in an Ode to them I have painted up an ultra Modern Marine force for Hind Commander.  I have completed the air part of the task force, the ground part of the task force is next.



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Australian Hind Commander Strike Group

Now that my USMC strike group is nicely put together, I’m thinking about my next Hind Commander project. The USMC strike group is a pretty blunt instrument: it’s based heavily around the AWACs lighting everything up and the Vipers come in to destroy what needs destroying. The Venoms are there in case I need a transport and the Kiowa to call in the airplanes.

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Hind Commander Battle Report

Hind Commander Battle Report 1

Ultra-Modern USMC vs Soviet Hind hoard For those new to Hind Commander I’ve previously posted a quick synopsis on the game. The battlefield was fairly unremarkable, a few ridges and small stands of trees surrounding a large town that was just on the Russian side of the front line to the north. A small helicopter … Read more

Hind Commander Quick Review

Before putting up some game reports and other Hind Command stuff, I’m going to give a bit of an introduction. Hind Commander is a pretty small game that most won’t have heard of from a small Polish publisher Assault Publishing. This will be a very short review, in the next couple of weeks I intend … Read more