My Twatifaux – Day 2

Where will our illustrious hero Ramos end up. Will he be recalled for the ages as a freedom fighter who fought oppression, or as a terrorist who tried to bring down the beautiful society crafted by the guild. Read on for more disorganized Malifaux experience ramblings.

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Brass Arachnid

Brass Arachnid 2

There’s not a huge number of colours on this model. It’s mainly about modulating the colours. Again blue is a feature of the flame to tie it together with the other models (in particular the Electric Creation). The filters applied to the body were dilute and applied unevenly; the intent is to give some colour variation. The brown makes the pale yellow metallic richer. The brown blue wash hints at oxidized brass and adds some more depth and interest (in particular in some of the recesses).


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Electrical Creation

Electrical Creation 3

I’ve shifted from Bloodbowl to Malifaux for a little bit. I’ve got a bye in Bloodbowl so it will be a few weeks until I play again. While, in just 3 short weeks I am playing in a Malifaux tournament (Twatifaux). As a result I want to get as much painted as possible so as to give me variety in what I run. This little guy doesn’t spend long on the board to be frank. I tend to be killing him in order to create a scrap marker that then starts my Steam Arachnid engine. Still, one day I might keep him round past turn 1.


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