Templar Knights

Templar Knights 1

It’s time for the big show. French failed aristocracy pumped up on faith and the desire to kill heathens (or poor people). Templar Knights By now there’s not much more I can say, there aren’t any original colours on here. The miniatures are again Legio Heroica, but they’re not the Templars from that range. Instead … Read more

Templar Infantry

Templar Infantry 6

Finally some Temmplars. I think I’ve done quite well. More than 5 posts into a Templar project and not a single white tunic or red cross on anything. But that’s all going to change over the next few posts as I finish off this project with wall to wall, hard core Templars. A sea of … Read more


SAGA, a game set in the dark ages. Vikings raiding the world etc.  what is there not to love.   I have two very unfinished war bands for Saga, the Jomsvikings and Scot’s.  I have only had them since the game came out, a very long time ago, of course what is embarrassing is that I have never played a game either.  Well with the latest addition to the rules out, Crescent and Cross, moving the battle’s to the middle east, I finally find something to bring me back to painting knights.


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