Note: this is a draft I had put up and delayed posting while I took some pictures. I just happened upon it and so figured I may as well publish. It’s taken me twice to publish it correctly too; now I have pictures.
Quick little update vis-a-vis the USMC force that I wrapped up a while ago. I posted about adding some infantry (as well as some other stuff) and said it was probably a while off. Well it seems a while is a fortnight in this case.
These were very quick – they’re quite detailed, but silly small. So there’s not a lot of point going too crazy. Colours used are below, some good pictures are up on the guild in a thread by Piers
- Uniform base: Iraqui Sand (VMC 70819)
- Uniform wash: Sepia Shae (VGC 73200)
- Uniform drybrush I: Dark Sand (VMC 70847)
- Uniform drybrush II: Deck Tan (VMC 70986)
- Weapons: 50% Black & 50% German Grey (VMC 70950 & VMC 70995)
- Javelin: US Dark Green (VMC 70893)
- Javelin drybrush: 50% US Dark Green & 50% Pale Greyblue (VMC 70893 & VMC 70907)
- Base: US Modern Vehicles (AK 122)
A good way to end is with a couple of pictures. Nothing really special, but a quick little job to get these guys ready for the table.

The texture on these bases is Vallejo sandy paste painted with a random tan colour and then heavily abused with various colour pigments.