Warlord’s German Halftrack the SD.KFZ 251/1 Ausf C has just landed on my desk and I get to put to it together and do a review, paint it up and make it all pretty and stuff
I now have more German Halftrack’s for Bolt Action than I do for Flames of war, yep I have a grand total of one German half track.
I had to order this for my DAK bolt action force that I am taking to Adepticon. As is normal for warlord, shipping was very fast, it only took a week for it to arrive, and that is with the free shipping to the US. Always a fan of fast and free.
In side the box there are two Frames, one waterslide decal sheet and the instructions. The instructions are simple to follow. The frames themselves look good, there is a small sink mark on the back of the tarpaulin roll, but that is not a big problem nobody will see that at all.
The decal sheet has the normal Balkenkreuz’s number plates and most importantly numbers, however I would have liked to see some numbers in other colours other than black.

The model was a breeze to put together, it took maybe 30 minutes to clip out all the parts, clean them up and glue them together. If I had a critique of the construction it is the flashing and part lines around the smaller parts and the antenna directions.
The result is a great looking model that will go very well with rest of my army.
Construction complete of the body and ready for paint. There are a lot of extra’s included and I have left them on the frames for now, but as I complete the model I will add these on later.
There are going to be some changes however, I am not putting the MG gunner on, as it is not in a Tropical uniform that the DAK wear, I will have to build one out of the spare Perry DAK box I have.
The Gunner conversion is quite simple, I have taken a standard Perry DAK figure, removed the base, cut the legs off, and twisted them so they fit in between the seats in the Half Track. The MG is not meant to be in this position it is meant to be in a prone position, so I have had to fill in parts and trim some pieces of the arms, then there is green stuff added to make it look correct. It only took me a little while to do this, but I think it will add to the overall army greatly.
On to the Paint. As you can see the Half Track is already in undercoat, There will be a Grey Base coat along with Chipping fluid soon after, then it is time for the modulation. If you follow me on Facebook, twitter, or instagram you will see progress shots, when I have all the transports done I will post photo’s here.
Overall this kit is pretty good, great value for money and will look great in any number of paint schemes. I give this kit 4.5 out of 5, I think there might be some little area’s that can be fixed up, bit overall it is a great kit.