First night back at Monday Knights after over 100 days of Coronavirus lockdown.
I got to roll some dice playing for the first time in a lot of months. Congrats to Big Nige for his win & the great Team Yankee. (Damn those Soviet Hinds!)
The game was a quick 85pts Soviet vs USA Team Yankee game & the scenario was Counter Attack with the US attacking. After using the scouts to spearhead towards the open objective, my US forces were ground down by the Soviet Hinds.
It was also great to see some old favorites being played again returned – there were a couple of Battletech games (Clan Era) and an ADLG games being played.
Venue is currently restricted to 10 persons per room, and some restrictions on seated service and signing in – all in all very well run & I could get used to the table drink service 😁
Thanks Flop for getting the venue up & running again. YOU ARE AWESOME